to Krispy Kreme!
Discover the School Nickname, Mascots, Colors and More
Discover the stories surrounding WKU’s nickname story along with the school’s mascots, colors and
many great traditions that take place on gameday and beyond.
WKU Mascot: Big Red
No game day is complete at a Hilltopers game without the delightful
presence of “Big Red.” Why is the fuzzy mascot named that. Most
likely because he’s Big and Red.

When it comes to showing your support for WKU, it
always starts with a red towel. The spirit enhancing
linen has also been incorporated into University logos.
But seriously…..Big Red was born in 1979 and made his first
appearance during a WKU basketball game that season. Much like
the fanfare that Syracuse University’s Otto the Orange has received,
Western Kentucky’s Big Red has been honored with national “Key to
Spirit” Awards and was a key focal point of ESPN’s promotion of it’s
25,000 Sports Center in 2002.

one would have to be a “Hilltopper to reach
this pictured building.
This asexual and amorphous mascot has also made appearances
on the Ellen Degeneres Show and Deal or No Deal. No WKU game
is complete without Big Red doing his famous Belly Slide and Belly
WKU Nickname: Hilltoppers
It’s said that you were to visit the Western Kentucky University
campus in Bowling Green, it would be quite evident why the
Hilltopper nickname was adopted by the school. The nickname
evolved when the campus location was moved in 1911.
Highlighting the move was a stream of the entire student body
carrying school materials and supplies UP the Hill to the school’s
new location.