TCU fans are proud of their Frog Tradition
TCU fans are proud of their
Frog Tradition

Discover the Great TCU Traditions and how they became the Horned Frogs, How Super Frog came onto the scene and much more!

TCU Nickname:  Horned Frogs

Perhaps few college nicknames if any, receive the discussions that TCU’s
Horned Frog nickname does. Many people seem to insist that they’re actually
the “Horned Toads” instead of the “Frogs.” And of course it is difficult for some
fans to resist the temptation of substituting “Horny” instead of “Homed.”

But before you’re quick to pass judgement on what you perceive as a vulgar
fraternity house interpretation, the Texas creature is commonly called a Horny
Toad. One thing you could call the horned frog in the late 1880s, was
abundant. Their presence on campus made the nickname adoption an easy
process to hop on.

The TCU “Homed Frog” nickname first arrived on the Fort Worth campus in 1887
as the name for the school’s annual. A committee from two student library
societies picked it over the name “Cactus.” And while it must have been a
prickly decision, the Homed Frog name leaped forward since the University of
Texas in Austin had already named their annual, “The Cactus.” Gradually the
“Horned Frog” name jumped into the University’s athletic circles.

Things are always 'Hoppin'" on the TCU sidelines when Super Frog is near
Things are always ‘Hoppin'” on the TCU sidelines when
Super Frog is near

An unusual fact about TCU’s Homed Frog is that it’s actually a lizard. The Merriamm Webster Dictionary describes it as a small harmless insect eating lizard with spines on it’s head, resembling horns. You must wonder if these lizards, feel like the frogs have stolen the spotlight from them, much like the rivalry that exists in the Budweiser advertising campaign.

While The Horned Frog name rests deep in the heart of Texas, it’s reputation has spread across the nation. The
nickname’s crowning moment was when ESPN selected it as the No.1 sports nickname in the United States.

TCU Mascot: Super Frog

Has the Creature from the Black Lagoon returned?
One might believe so when viewing TCU’s mascot
Super Frog. The big eyes and wide mouth on the
animated costume are features that only a mother
could love. However, when you consider all the
mom’s attending Horn Frog games, you can
appreciate why Super Frog is loved.

The mascot was created in 1979 with the goal of
providing the university a symbol that fans would
“laugh with” while being entertained instead of being
“laughed at.” The cartoon-like character gained quick
popularity and is a fan favorite at TCD functions.

In a 1998 article in TCU’s student newspaper The
Daily Skiff, Super Frog commented on how
rewarding it is to interact with the fans. “One time I
was giving some students high fives at a football
game and they pulled me up over their heads and I
crowd surfed,” the mascot said.

When the Frog Horn is blowing you know things are all good at TCU!
When the Frog Horn is blowing you know things are all
good at TCU!

However, Daily Skiff staff reporter Jason Crane’s
Super Frog feature also pointed to the violence that
faces today’s mascots. Apparently TCU’s frog has
been roughed up on his visits to area schools on the
junior high and high school level, by students trying to
push him down. While these acts are a annoyance,
the real danger comes in the form of mascot brawls
at the games.

It’s a common occurrence for mascots to duke it out

on the sidelines. Most of the exchanges are good
natured, but sometimes things get carried away.
There have been accounts of mascots being bullied
by opposing fans as well. With these developments,
Super Frog said that he’s considering joining the
Mascots Against Mascot Abuse organization that was
formed after a violent altercation between the Rhode
Island Ram and St. Joseph’s Hawk.

TCU’s Frog Horn

Amon G. Carter Stadium is the home of the Horned Frogs.
Amon G. Carter Stadium is the home of the
Horned Frogs.

This blinking purple body of metal and whistles is a
gameday staple at Horned Frog home football games
and community events.  ESPN once dubbed it as “the
most unique in all of college football.”  

The spirit raising, white smoke belching contraption
was built b a team of engineers from the Burlington
Northern Railroad Company in Springfield, Missouri
and donated as a gift to the University.

The Frog Horn is best know for its 120-decibel roar
that it emits when the Horned Frogs score a

TCU Colors:  A royal and yet clean reflection

The Purple and White colors that have reflected TCU traditions since 1896, were selected by a school Committee.
The colors which debuted prior to the existence of TCU football, represent the following qualities. Purple was
selected to symbolize “royalty,” while White stood for a “clean” game.

TCU Football Stadium: A “Respectful”
From the ashes it has risen!!!A new state of the art football stadium will sit in
the place of the old Amon G. Carter Stadium.
With a $164 million stadium renovation kicked
off after the 2010 season and promises a true
fan experience with upgrades are unveiled for
the 2012 season.

The original stadium, a facility that was named in

honor of the man who is credited with helping Fort
Worth and the University gain national respect. Carter,
who is deceased, was a renowned statesman and the
publisher of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The
stadium was formally dedicated in 1930 and replaced
old Clark Field. Today it seats nearly 50,000 fans.